A Message Concerning the Coronavirus Pandemic

To our clients, colleagues and friends:

We are all watching the development of the Coronavirus pandemic with feelings of concern and uncertainty. We understand the responsibilities that companies and top-line personnel have on your business-critical projects related to accounting, finance, communications, transactions and business transformation, and the additional burden to be able to do so while shifting to a remote workforce.

Over the last 10+ years, SolomonEdwards has created, managed and directed multiple remote workforce teams of all shapes and sizes for our clients on numerous business initiatives.

As you continue to develop and “stand-up” your remote workforce plan you may find some of our capabilities helpful to you now or in the future, including:

  1. Strategic workforce guidance and advice that allows your teams to work remotely on your projects, creating a safe and flexible environment.
  2. Team augmentation services to help back-fill roles that may be left open due to family responsibilities to care for children, the elderly, or having to work remotely.
  3. Remote program management oversight, using our proven resource model to manage your organization and personnel who are shifting to remote work.

For tips on making remote work your best work, we invite you to read an article by Maureen Kasper, Principal of our National Communications Practice.

We understand it’s a chaotic time with many challenges ahead. Please reach out if we can support you in any way.

Stay well,
Ed Baumstein, Founder & CEO of SolomonEdwards, along with the entire SolomonEdwards family