Turnaround & Restructuring Services

Turnaround & Restructuring Services
Businesses facing financial and operational challenges are pushed to the brink with demands beyond the normal daily operations. To reduce the pain associated with the turnaround lifecycle, it is critical to identify a trusted partner who has technical and industry-specific experience that is quickly scalable. M Squared’s Turnaround & Restructuring Services (T&RS) can:

Deliver a cost-effective and scalable solution.
Provide dedicated resources.

Our T&RS experts help businesses accomplish their goals beyond existing bandwidth by providing exceptional people with the experience and leadership for complex turnaround and restructuring situations within an effective cost structure.

Our services include:

TRS Services Chart

Our qualifications to serve:

TRS Qualifications to Service Chart

  • Experienced subject matter experts, including CIRA, CTP, CPA, CTA, and FINRA licensed professionals
  • Rapid and scalable resource deployment
  • International client service platform with local resource talent
  • Complementary offering to existing advisors

Learn more:

Learn more about our services:

Performance Improvement

Turnaround & Restructuring Advisory

Bankruptcy & Reorganization Services

Fresh-Start Accounting

See how we’ve helped others in your shoes:

[CASE STUDY] Bankruptcy & SEC / US GAAP Project

[CASE STUDY] Fresh Start Accounting & Project Management

Watch our latest webinar on driving growth through uncertainty

For more information, please contact:

Brian Markley, CPA | Managing Partner, TRAS, Mid-Atlantic & New York regions
P: 212.545.9500 | E: bmarkley@solomonedwards.com